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7 Types Of Contents For Ideal Posting Instagram

Instagram is not only popular or intended for personal accounts, but also shows itself as a popular platform for use by brands or companies. EMarketer reports that 32.3 percent of companies that have more than 100 employees use Instagram for their marketing, reports in 2015. At the end of the report, they predict that companies that use Instagram will increase to 70 percent in 2017.


Another report from Forrester found that big brand accounts post at least 5 posts per week on Instagram, up from the previous year (report published in 2015). The report also revealed that engagement rates on Instagram for brands were higher than on other social media channels such as Facebook or Twitter.

Because of that, now almost all big brands have social media accounts and are active on every channel including Instagram. New brands do not want to be left behind by sharing various types of content that contains varied information to increase engagement. However, many brands eventually stop posting because they run out of ideas or are caused by not-so-wide reach.

The following are 7 types of content that might be posting ideas for Instagram accounts. This applies to personal accounts as well as brand or company accounts.

# 1 Photo
There are many types of photos that can be posted to Instagram. Instagram itself provides many filters to make the themes you upload become consistent. This way, people will be curious to peer deeper and find out more about the content that you have uploaded.

You can try to post content containing the latest products, new things in the work environment, or a little advice and motivation repeatedly every week. Make sure the theme or filter you use stays consistent because it will become your brand identity.

#2 Video
Jika Anda bisa membuat video superpendek (durasi kurang dari satu menit), maka Instagram adalah media yang tepat untuk mempromosikannya (alih-alih mengunggahnya ke YouTube). Idealnya, video Anda akan mudah dipahami tanpa suara sekalipun sebab cara kerja Instagram memang demikian; memutar konten video secara otomatis tanpa suara. Pengaktifan suara untuk video di Instagram bersifat opsional.

# 3 Infographics
Technically, infographics are visuals that are perfect for voting on Instagram. When there are many brands that use this type of content both in feeds and through Stories. True infographics are very good types of content because they are informative so that they are very appropriate to educate followers on social media because they are easier to digest and more interesting than "flat" writing in the caption section.

One thing you may need to keep in mind is that large-sized graphics will be difficult to read. The infographic size must be appropriate and proportional. Instagram itself supports up to 1080 pixels.

# 4 Stories
Stories is one of Instagram's newest phenomenal features. There are many types of content that can be uploaded through this feature, including photos, super short videos (15 seconds duration), or maybe a collection of GIFs or quotes with themes to choose from. You can combine photos and videos or a group of photos into videos, or if you want, you can also do live broadcasts or upload existing content.
Another plus is that a verified account or an account with a certain number of followers allows to include a link in the Stories. The level of effectiveness of links in Stories is much higher compared to ordinary posts.

# 5 Contest
Contest content on Instagram is good for maximizing engagement. Contest content does not only come from one brand account, but also comes from all contest participants. This method is also a good way to stay connected with your audience on Instagram.

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One type of contest that is very easy and popular on Instagram is "like to win", so people only need to like your posts to get a chance to be a winner. The types of prizes they will get you can leak on the photos you post or in the caption section. One level above, you can create a hashtag contest by asking people to post their own content using the hashtag that you set yourself. Or, you can hold a special contest for new followers. The choice is yours.

# 6 Influencer Content
Instagram is a perfect place for influencers. Since 2015-2016 the number of influencers on Instagram has increased impressively and brands have become much easier to work with infuencers in running campaigns. Now, if an influencer has partnered with a brand then there is no reason not to feature them on your brand Instagram account.

# 7 User-generated Content
Your followers may not be influencers, but that doesn't mean they can't post something amazing on Instagram. If you see posts that are relevant to your brand, or related to your brand in the form of support or appreciation, ask them to repost the content using your brand account. User-generated content or UGC is one of the highest authenticity content. If you succeed in getting them to talk about your content or your brand or product, then that is one indication that your content marketing strategy has succeeded.

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