Buntu Liarra Nature Tourism, Country Above the Clouds of Mamasa, West Sulawesi
Mamasa Regency is in West Sulawesi Province and is an area in the highlands. This one district does not have many tourist attractions, but the tourist objects that exist are so stunning and make you fascinated. One of the leading tourist destinations that should not be missed is Buntu Liarra. This one destination is perfect for those of you who like to climb, for more details, check out the following reviews.
It is nicknamed the Land Above the Clouds because once you reach the top you will be faced with a vast expanse of clouds complete with golden light from the sun. This is of course an exotic sight that you don't want to miss. Indeed, the name Buntu Liarra has only become a hit in the last few years. None other than some visitors who upload beautiful photos on social media and make this one hill famous.
To enjoy the stunning natural beauty, of course you need a struggle to reach it. Those of you who really like exploring or climbing, conquering the pride of Mamasa Regency is certainly not a difficult thing. But even so you need energy and a strong mentality. You will get a fairly challenging terrain to get to the top.
Your trip will start by heading to the city of Masama first which can be reached by land. You can take this route from the city of Mamuju and from the city of Makassar. Indeed, this trip will take about 6 to 7 hours through the Maros route to finally Polewali Mandar. From Polewali Mandar, you still have to travel a distance of about 93 km to finally reach Mamasa City.
Meanwhile, to reach Buntu Liarra there are also 2 hiking trails that you can choose from. The route goes through Talimbung village or through Bella Peu village. To get to this village, you can use transportation in the form of motorcycle taxis from the climbing center. If you use a private vehicle, of course it will be more flexible. Even though later you have to leave the vehicle by leaving it with local residents.
Each path of course has a different travel time. It depends on you conquering the ramps and your speed. Usually climbers will need 30 minutes to finally reach the top of Buntu Liarra. Starting the journey from the climbing basecamp you will be presented with views of rice fields and livestock grazing.
You can be sure the experience of climbing this time will be an unforgettable experience. Interestingly, you don't need to pay an entrance ticket or it's free to reach the top of Buntu Liarra. The best time to visit Buntu Liarra is during the dry season. Because if it's the rainy season, the possibility of not being able to enjoy the view of the sunrise is very large, because it is covered with clouds.
Enjoying the view of the clouds up to 360 degrees does require a long struggle. You have to trekking with challenging terrain so you have to drive away the cold at night. But you will never regret coming to this Buntu Liarra. During the holiday season, there will be many other climbers who make the atmosphere at the top even more crowded. Especially times like New Years and Independence Day.
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