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Tour Ne' Gandeng the land of Toraja

Tour Ne' Gandeng the land of Toraja, Another tourist spot that is no less interesting in North Toraja is the Ne' Gandeng Museum. This museum is located in Lembang Palangi, Balusu District.

The Ne' Gandeng Museum is a museum located in Lembang Palangi, Balusu District, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The name of the Ne' Gandeng Museum comes from the name of a Toraja community leader named Ne' Gandeng. The Ne' Gandeng Museum consists of several buildings that apply the Tongkonan architectural style. The Ne' Gandeng Museum collection consists of menhir stones, Ne' Gandeng statues, buffalo statues, and striped gongs. In addition to a collection of historical objects, the Ne' Gandeng Museum also has huts in the form of Toraja traditional houses. The Ne' Gandeng Museum is a tourist spot and a place for traditional ceremonies for the Toraja people. The Ne' Gandeng Museum is owned and managed by the Ne' Gandeng Family. The establishment of the Ne' Gandeng Museum aims to inform and disseminate knowledge about Toraja culture to the general public.

Here visitors can see various museum collections in the form of historical objects from the Toraja tribe. Inside there is a menhir stone, Ne' Gandeng statue, buffalo statue and striped gong.

In addition to its various unique collections, this museum also has various huts that are shaped like a traditional Tongkonan house. Visitors can enter this tongkonan house to take a closer look at the contents of the building.

The name Ne' Gandeng Museum itself comes from the name of a Toraja traditional figure. He is known as a person who is very persistent in preserving Toraja customs and culture.

As for the purpose of building this museum, apart from being a form of respect for Ne' Gandeng, it also functions as a medium to disseminate insights about Toraja culture to the general public.

Access to the Ne' Gandeng Museum is fairly easy. The distance is only about 10 km from downtown Rantepao or about 15 minutes drive. While the cost of admission is also friendly, namely IDR 10,000 for local tourists and IDR 20,000 for foreign tourists

History Of Ne' Gandeng

The Ne' Gandeng Museum was built as a form of respect for the ancestors of the Toraja people. The name of the Ne' Gandeng Museum is taken from the name of one of the Toraja community leaders, Ne' Gandeng. He is a community leader in Lembang Malakiri. Ne' Gandeng is known as a hardworking and wise woman during her time as a customary judge. In addition, he is also known for being persistent in preserving Toraja customs and culture. The figure of Ne' Gandeng inspired the establishment of the Ne' Gandeng Museum. The establishment of the Ne' Gandeng Museum aims to inform and disseminate knowledge about Toraja culture to the general public. The Ne' Gandeng Museum is owned and managed by the Ne' Gandeng Family. Over time, the Ne' Gandeng Museum has changed its function from being merely a form of respect, to becoming a tourist spot and as a venue for holding various traditional events that are usually carried out by the Toraja people. Apart from that, the Ne' Gandeng Museum can also be used by Torajans who wish to hold funerals for their deceased family members.

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